Prepare for IELTS​

Prepare for IELTS with our official preparation resources. Practice for free, join a free webinar, hear tips from IELTS Experts.

Find a range of official IELTS preparation resources – free practice tests, preparation courses and support tools like IELTS Progress Check.

Understand the test format by taking the IELTS preparation course to learn about each part of the IELTS test, question types and how IELTS examiners assess your Speaking and Writing tests. Improve your skills in all four parts of the IELTS test by attending an IELTS Masterclass, where you will learn to understand and avoid common test day mistakes. Or complete an IELTS Progress Check practice test to assess your readiness for a real IELTS test.

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A quick look at the IELTS Masterclass

The free IELTS Masterclass gives you advice on how to avoid common mistakes that prevent you from doing your best on test day.

IELTS test

IELTS General Training Test

If you plan to move abroad for work or migrate to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK or the USA, you might need to take an IELTS General Training test.

IELTS Academic Test

If you plan to study in higher education or seek professional registration in an English-speaking country, you might need to take the IELTS Academic test.